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Center for Climatology

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Center for Climatology: News of the Day
  1. Less ice, more fire: Why shrinking glaciers could mean more volcanic eruptions
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; Why shrinking glaciers could mean more volcanic eruptions Print Headline:&nbsp; Less ice, more fire Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Volcanology and glaciology UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; How?and why?to end the war in Yemen ...

  2. Calculating behaviour: The EPA is rewriting the most important number in climate economics
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; The EPA is rewriting the most important number in climate economics Print Headline:&nbsp; Calculating Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Environmental policy UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; The army sidelines Robert Mugabe, Africa...

  3. Negative-emissions technology: What they don?t tell you about climate change
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; Stopping the flow of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is not enough. It has to be sucked out, too Print Headline:&nbsp; What they don?t tell you Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Negative-emissions technology UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; ...

  4. Sucking up carbon: Greenhouse gases must be scrubbed from the air
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; Cutting emissions will not be enough to keep global warming in check. Greenhouse gases must also be scrubbed from the air Print Headline:&nbsp; Sucking up carbon Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Combating climate change UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; ...

  5. Huffing and puffing: Germany is missing its emissions targets
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; As climate talks open in Bonn, Germany?s green credentials suffer Print Headline:&nbsp; Huffing and puffing Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Climate-change policy in Germany UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; America?s global influ...

  6. New Green advocates: Climate-change lawsuits
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; The battle against global warming is increasingly being waged in courtrooms Print Headline:&nbsp; New green advocates Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Lawsuits against climate change UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; Do social med...

  7. Above boards: Scott Pruitt seeks to weaken independent scientific review at the EPA
    Main image:&nbsp; TWO days ago, October 23rd, three scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were to present at a conference on the health of the Narragansett Bay estuary (pictured). They were to unveil a 500-page report, which found that ?stressors associated with climate change are increasing rapidly??but the agency abruptly cancelled the presentation without explanation. Critics pointed to it as the latest example of meddling and muzzling by the ag...

  8. Up in smoke: Scott Pruitt signs a measure to repeal the Clean Power Plan
    Main image:&nbsp; TIE off and collar open, Scott Pruitt unveiled his plan to repeal the Clean Power Plan to loud applause in Hazard, Kentucky, a sleepy coal town in the state?s mountainous south-east. ?The war on coal is over,? said Mr Pruitt, head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on October 9th. The next day, in Washington, DC he signed a rule aimed at rescinding the Obama-era policy, which seeks to curb carbon emissions from power plants by 32% in 2030,...

  9. Germany?s Greens: ?I don?t want the last car made in Germany to end up in a museum?
    Main image:&nbsp; LAST week I caught up with Cem �zdemir, lead candidate of Germany's Green Party, to talk about his country?s future. The latest polls put his party at about 8%. Mr �zdemir?s perspective matters, for two reasons.First, the polls suggest that Angela Merkel may have to choose between another ?grand coalition? with the Social Democrats (SPD)?who are fed up with governing with her?and a three-way coalition with the centre-left Greens and the right-li...

  10. Climate change: There is still no room for complacency in matters climatic
    Print section Print Rubric:&nbsp; Changed estimates of how much carbon dioxide can still be emitted to meet climate targets leave no room for complacency Print Headline:&nbsp; Breathing space Print Fly Title:&nbsp; Carbon budgets UK Only Article:&nbsp; standard article Issue:&nbsp; ...